Colic Clinic at Baby Steps NE
Multidisciplinary Holistic Colic Clinic
A premier clinic designed to get to the bottom of your baby’s colic symptoms. Our highly specialized, experienced clinical team is ready to assess your baby from head to toe to help solve the puzzle of their discomfort and crying. Whether their symptoms are caused by feeding difficulties, allergies, dysregulation, sleep challenges or anything else, our team will support you in identifying what tools and strategies will benefit your family.
Our unique team includes lactation specialists; dietitians specializing in allergies, gastrointestinal discomfort, and reflux; Occupational Therapists specializing in regulation and development; and Speech Language Pathologists specializing in feeding. Additional specialties include
Additional Specialties:
Craniosacral Fascial Therapy
Infant Massage
Reflex Integration
Colic & Regulation: A dysregulated nervous system can present as colic or excessive irritability. Infants may present with fussiness, irritability, and difficulty soothing.
A dysregulated nervous system can be related to:
4th trimester changes
Traumatic Delivery
GI upset
Sleep disruption
Colic and Feeding: Feeding difficulties can impact colic and baby may present with increased crying and agitation due to hunger or discomfort
Feeding difficulties may be related to:
Poor Latch
Increased Air Intake
Poor Oral Motor Skills
Over or underfeeding
Inefficient feeding
Tongue Tie
Colic & GI/Allergy: GI distress and allergies are both possible contributions to infant colic
Maternal diet for the breastfed infant, aerophagia, imbalance of healthy bacteria in the gut can all cause symptoms of abdominal pain and distress.
Who would benefit from seeing our Colic Clinic:
Babies who are difficult to soothe
Babies who appear frequently irritable or fussy
Babies who struggle with GI symptoms (reflux, gas)
Babies who don’t sleep well
Babies with feeding difficulties
Families struggling with baby’s temperament