Orofacial Myology


A specialized discipline that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of the orofacial muscles.


Orofacial Myology is a specialized discipline that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of the Orofacial muscles. Small Steps Therapy is thrilled to be the leading clinic in orofacial myology in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Our specialized team has undergone the rigorous training required for Orofacial Myology and strongly values the importance of finding the root cause of each individual’s symptoms. Individuals who benefit from an Orofacial Myofunctional evaluation include those who experience:

  1. Chewing and Swallowing Difficulties

  2. Picky Eating

  3. Need for orthodontia or orthodontic relapse

  4. TMJ Disorder

  5. Airway/Breathing difficulties 

  6. Frequent neck, jaw and head pain (migraines)

  7. Persistent articulation disorders

Available in Massachusetts and Rhode Island