
Our team specializes in addressing the many factors that are related to tongue-tie.


Tongue, lip and cheek ties can impact development in many different manners. Our trained team will assess oral motor, feeding and gross motor skills. We collaborate with local release providers and experts to assess the many complicated facets of a tongue-tie. If an individual is diagnosed with tongue-tie, it is imperative that they participate in treatment before and after the release. Our team specializes in addressing the many factors that are related to tongue-tie including Torticollis or other soft tissue restrictions, airway concerns, weight gain concerns, picky eating or difficulty feeding/swallowing, and oral motor challenges. We specialize in working with individuals with tongue-tie at any age and also offer a unique team approach for infants and young children. Our tongue tie team consists of a Speech-Language Pathologist with advanced Ankyloglossia training, an Occupational Therapist with advanced gross motor and developmental training, and a Registered Dietitian and Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC).

Available in all locations