Voice therapy works to eliminate poor breathing, phonation and vocalization habits in pediatric, adult and geriatric populations. Common voice disorders treated in our clinic include:

  1. Misuse/abuse of the voice 

  2. Paralyzation/paresis of the vocal cords

  3. Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) 

  4. Vocal nodules and polyps 

  5. Muscle-tension dysphonia(MTD) 

  6. Diplophonia 

  7. Vocal prosody, resonance, volume control and diaphragmatic breathing. 

  8. Post-intubation vocal cord irritation

In addition, we can specialize in treating singers of all ages. Our vocologist has eighteen years of experience with the voice as a trained singer, vocal coach and vocal therapist. Our newest treatment area is in the vocal recovery of post-covid laryngeal thrush. 

Available in Rhode Island